The small differences between men and women

Differences between men and women can become more apparent during problem solving

There is something distinctive, generally speaking, about how women work together. We tend to take the time to build the relationships first, and then work on solving the problem. When we add faith to those relationships, we find that it gives us the strength needed to deepen our understanding of, our respect for and our connections with one another. Men generally begin by trying to resolve the issue—oft en without initially building the relationships that make resolution more probable.

In the end, everything we’ve done through WISDOM begins with faith and with the relationships we have been able to build together.

Our goal is not to solve the Middle East problem or to get involved with worldwide political differences. We are trying to break down barriers, to increase respect and understanding, and to dispel myths and stereotypes here, locally, in our communities. We have learned that we can change lives, strengthen our communities and be a model for others, if we don’t lose sight of the fact that this process begins by forming relationships—one friend at a time!

How a women’s network can change lives

I’ve been involved in interfaith work for years, but WISDOM has changed my life, writes Gail Katz. I’ve grown a great deal in at least two areas. One of the areas in which I’ve grown involves organizational skills, and much of what I’ve learned is from working with my buddy, Trish. Through this work together, I’ve helped to organize all kinds of educational events and community service projects. I am the president of WISDOM and have a board of directors consisting of women of eight different religions, which includes an executive board, and I’ve learned a lot about what really works when you’re trying to bring people together to make a difference in your community.

Read the stories from the Women of WISDOM:

This story about the differences between men and women is from a collection of personal stories from Friendship & Faith, a book that delves into the decisions and experiences about faith and friendship shared by a group of Detroit-area women.

Want more? Read another story or check out Friendship & Faith.

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