Native American Trust Organization: A Historic Abuse of Power

The Native American Trust Organization

I know the Bureau of Indian Affairs Office had a responsibility to distribute trust fund monies. There are also states that have control of Native trust funds. Several million dollars are missing from these funds with no one held responsible.

It reminds me of the Indian agents assigned to reservations and responsible for the distribution of foodstuffs to the Native population under their care only to skim the most valuable product from a shipment and either keep it for personal use or sell it for financial gain.

Such heavy-handed abuse by a government-sanctioned organization nominally designed to provide help is just one of the many instances of historical trauma perpetrated against the Natives of North America, each instance impacting hundreds and thousands of individuals.

To see how one man and his family found healing from this and other historical traumas, read my book Dancing My Dream. It can be purchased from this web site or from


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