Francis of Assisi

This is Hollywood’s glamorized view of Saint Francis of Assisi, the best part of which is the scene in which Francis visits the Sultan of Egypt to to the war between Christians and Muslims. The story begins with the playboy’s conversion to his receiving the stigmata just before his death.

Francesco (1989)

This bio of St. Francis of Assisi covers his life from his playboy days through his conversion, break with his family, founding of a new order ministering to the poor and his stigmata just before his death.

The Attack (2012)

A powerfulm by a French-Lebanese filmmaker about an Arab-Israeli doctor shocked to discover that his wife is the suicide bomber who killed 17 people, many of them children, in a Tel Aviv café. Most of the film consists of his physical and spiritual journey to try to find out why such a loving person as his wife committed such a terrible deed.