Best Songs & Other Music to Lift Your Spirits


Help others burst out in song by sharing your list of best spirit-lifting songs or other music. Your list might include pop songs, hymns, instrumental pieces—anything that will help others start a healthier, up-beat soundscape at home. What titles can you suggest to help others?

Why This Matters:

Pete Townshend of The Who says, “The day you open your mind to music, you’re halfway to opening your mind to life.” This is the single most popular question in my book. In fact, although we’re just asking you to suggest titles—these days, people can find the tunes themselves—the poular singer-songwriter Fran McKendree actually videotaped and sent in an entire song! Click on the video screen, at right.

In asking for song and music titles, I don’t expect you to give us the entire song, but it’s fine to point out YouTube videos or other links to great music. Have fun! Many readers already have contributed, even before we opened up this new webpage to collect more suggestions. Here are some samples of what we’ve already received via email, letters and responses from the first groups discussing A Guide for Caregivers

Copland’s Appalachian Spring; soundtrack from the O Brother Whereart Thou? movie; Somewhere Over the Rainbow and the whole Wizard of Oz soundtrack album; Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and most songs by ABBA.

Class that discussed the book at First United Methodist Church, Ann Arbor

How Can I Keep from Singing?

Terry Gallagher

Blue Skies; What a Wonderful World; On a Wonderful Day Like Today and T’Filat Haderech by Debbie Friedman.

Elaine Greenberg

Now, it’s your turn: Add a Comment below …


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